Renal cysts are quite common, especially as we age, but they often go unnoticed since they rarely cause symptoms. These fluid-filled sacs can develop in or on the kidneys, and while they’re usually harmless, understanding them can help you maintain…
Any person concerned about his or her kidney health must understand what Renal Tubular Acidosis is. Any serious health conditions require informed knowledge. In this blog post, we will discuss what renal acidosis is, its causes, symptoms, and treatment. In…
Kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood, regulating blood pressure, and maintaining overall health. However, owing to genetic shortage the kidney will not operate as intended, and severe medical ailments occur. Genetic kidney…
Kidney transplants have become a life-saving treatment for people suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or severe kidney failure. Depending on whether you are in this category, there is some important information that you need to understand regarding the various…
Kidney failure is a serious medical condition that calls for prompt, efficient treatment if the patient is to have any chance at life. There are two major kidney failure treatments: kidney dialysis and kidney transplant. Knowing the differences between these…
As far as ensuring good kidney health is concerned it is very vital to have a good knowledge of kidney function tests. These tests are objective and not guesswork about how well the kidneys serve you. Let’s get into specifics….
Transplantation offers a new lease on life for many patients, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One such challenge is the risk of BK virus infection, which can significantly impact the health of transplant patients, particularly those…
Struvite stones are a type of kidney stone formed due to urinary tract infections. These stones can grow quickly and become quite large, often causing serious health issues if not treated promptly. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for…
Many people wonder, “Can you live with one kidney?” The answer is a resounding yes. While it’s common to have two kidneys, a significant number of individuals live healthy, fulfilling lives with just one. This can happen due to various…
Kidney stones are a common health issue that can cause severe pain and discomfort. Understanding the causes and adopting the best diet plan for kidney stones is crucial for managing and preventing this condition. In this blog, we’ll explore the…
Imagine you’re in the prime of your life, and suddenly, your health takes an unexpected turn. You feel increasingly fatigued, your joints ache, and you notice swelling in your legs. After numerous doctor visits and tests, you hear a term…
Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that form in your gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped organ located beneath your liver. These stones can range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf…
What if there is a way for people to manage life-threatening conditions at home? To many patients with kidney failure, this is a reality because of peritoneal dialysis. It may seem confusing, but the process can become as easy and…
Hematuria, or blood in urine, is a condition that can arise from various medical issues. It can manifest in gross hematuria (visible blood) and microscopic hematuria (blood detectable only through laboratory tests). Both forms warrant medical attention to determine the…
Childhood nephrotic syndrome is one of those medical terms that can send parents into a spiral of worry. But what exactly is it? In the simplest terms, it’s a condition marked by an excess of protein in the urine, sudden…
Polycystic Kidney Disease, or PKD as it’s often called, is one of those terms that you might’ve heard tossed around but aren’t entirely sure what it entails. So, let’s dive into what this condition is all about, from its causes…
Kidney infections, also known as pyelonephritis, are a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that can lead to severe complications if not promptly treated. Often beginning in the urinary tract, kidney infections can escalate, affecting one or both kidneys. Recognizing…
In today’s fast-paced world, prioritising health is paramount, especially when it comes to vital organs like the kidneys. Understanding when to consult a nephrologist, particularly the best nephrologist in India, can make a significant difference in managing kidney health. This…
प्रोस्टेट नामक ग्रंथि केवल पुरुषों के शरीर में ही पाई जाती है। यह ग्रंथि उम्र बढ़ने के साथ आकार में बड़ी हो जाने से पेशाब करने में तकलीफ होती है यह तकलीफ आमतौर पर 60 साल के पश्चात अर्थात् बड़ी…
बच्चा जब छोटा हो, तब रात में उसका बिस्तर गीला हो जाना स्वाभाविक है । परन्तु बच्चे की उम्र बढ़ने के बाद भी रात्रि में बिस्तर गीला हो जाए, तो वह बच्चे और उसके माता-पिता के लिए संकोच एवं चिन्ता…
हम जानते हैं कि किडनी शरीर के अधिक पानी, नमक और अन्य क्षार को पेशाब द्वारा दूर करके शरीर में इन पदार्थों का संतुलन बनाने का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य करती है किडनी फेल्योर में यह नियंत्रण का कार्य ठीक तरह से…
केडेवर किडनी प्रत्यारोपण क्या है? ब्रेन डेथ दिमागी मृत्यु (Brain Death) वाले व्यक्ति के शरीर से स्वस्थ – किडनी निकालकर किडनी फेल्योर के मरीज के शरीर में लगाये जाने वाले ऑपरेशन को केडेवर प्रत्यारोपण कहते हैं। केडेवर किडनी प्रत्यारोपण क्यों…
किडनी के रोगों को मुख्यतः दो भागों में बाँटा जा सकता है : नेफ्रोलॉजिस्ट और यूरोलॉजिस्ट में क्या अंतर है? नेफ्रोलॉजिस्ट किडनी रोगों के उपचार के विशेषज्ञ हैं, जो औषधि द्वारा किडनी का उपचार करते हैं। डायालिसिस द्वारा खून को…
मूत्रमार्ग का संक्रमण (यूरिनरी ट्रेक्ट इन्फेक्शन) अल्पावधि और दीर्घकालिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के कारणों में बच्चों में मूत्रमार्ग का संक्रमण एक आम समस्या है। बड़ों की तुलना में बच्चों में यह प्रश्न क्यों अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है? इसी कारण बच्चों में पेशाब…
वंशानुगत किडनी रोगों में पोलिसिस्टिक किडनी डिजीज (पी. के. डी.) सबसे ज्यादा पाया जानेवाला रोग है। इस रोग में मुख्य असर किडनी पर होता है। दोनों किडनियों में बड़ी संख्या में सिस्ट (पानी भरा बुलबुला ) जैसी रचना बन जाती…
मूत्रमार्ग में पथरी का रोग बहुत से मरीजों में दिखाई देनेवाला एक महत्वूपर्ण किडनी का रोग हे पथरी के कारण असहनीय पीड़ा, पेशाब में संक्रमण और किडनी को नुकसान हो सकता है। इसलिए पथरी के बारे में और उसे रोकने…
विश्व और समस्त भारत में बढ़ती आबादी और शहरीकरण के साथ-साथ डायबिटीज (मधुमेह) के रोगियों की संख्या भी बढ़ रही है। डायबिटीज के मरीजों में क्रोनिक किडनी फेल्योर (डायबिटीक नेफ्रोपैथी) और पेशाब में संक्रमण के रोग होने की संभावना ज्यादा…
जब दोनों किडनी कार्य नहीं कर रहे हों, उस स्थिति में किडनी का कार्य कृत्रिम विधि से करने की पद्धति को डायलिसिस कहते हैं। डायलिसिस एक प्रक्रिया है जो किडनी की खराबी के कारण शरीर में एकत्रित अपशिष्ट उत्पादों और…
किडनी प्रत्यारोपण के ऑपरेशन में क्या किया जाता है? सर्जरी से पहले, किडनी प्राप्तकर्ता और किडनी दाता दोनों का चिकित्सकीय, मनोवैज्ञानिक और सामाजिक मूल्यांकन किया जाता है। यह दोनों की फिटनेस और सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित के लिए किया जाता है। (यह…
किडनी के रोगों में क्रोनिक किडनी फेल्योर (क्रोनिक किडनी डिसीज CKD) एक गंभीर रोग हैं, क्योंकि वर्तनान चिकित्साविज्ञान में इस रोग को खत्म करने की कोई दवा उपलब्ध नहीं है। पिछले कई सालों से इस रोग के मरीजों की संख्या…
It is important for everyone to know the normal colour of their urine. This is because different colours of urine can indicate different things and some colours even indicate the necessity of seeking medical attention. Every human being’s urine is…
The kidneys, like every other organ in the body, take multiple occupations. They’re deeply attached to the part of the body. Their primary use is to drain waste products out of the blood. They also remove excess substances from the…
दुनियाभर में डायलिसिस करानेवाले मरीजों का बड़ा समूह इस प्रकार का डायलिसिस कराते हैं। इस प्रकार के डायलिसिस में होमोडायलिसिस मशीन द्वारा खून को शुद्ध किया जाता है। हीमोडायलिसिस किस प्रकार किया जाता है? हीमोडायलिसिस, अस्पतालों में या डायालिसिस सेंटर…
पेरीटोनियल डायलिसिस (PD) क्या है? पेट के अंदर आँतों तथा अंगों को उनके स्थान पर जकड़कर रखनेवाली झिल्ली को पेरीटोनियल कहा जाता है। यह झिल्ली सेमीपरमीएबल यानी चलनी की तरह होती है। इस झिल्ली की मदद से होनेवाले खून के…
Though the main function of your kidney is to remove waste products from your blood, the ancillary effects of this particular function are many. When the kidney is not able to perform the function of filtering the blood with complete…
एक्यूट किडनी फेल्योर क्या है? संपूर्ण रूप से कार्य करने वाली दोनों किडनी किसी कारणवश अचानक नुकसान से थोड़े समय कि लिए काम करना कम या बंद कर दे, तो उसे हम एक्यूट किडनी फेल्योर कहते हैं। एक्यूट किडनी फेल्योर…
कहावत है “समय पर लगाया गया एक टांका भविष्य में लगने वाले नौ टांकों से बचाता है” । यह कहावत किडनी के रोगों के लिए एकदम सही साबित होती है। क्रोनिक किडनी रोग (CKD) का कोई सम्पूर्ण इलाज नहीं है…
If you are suffering from chronic kidney disease, it means your kidneys are not functional enough to meet the needs of your body. One of the primary side effects of CKD is that your kidneys degrade over time. This creates…
Kidneys in our body perform multiple fundamental tasks. The reason to call these tasks fundamental is because most of the other functions that take place in our body are attached to these tasks. That is why the kidney is known…
In the medical test of kidney biopsy, a tissue sample of the kidney is cut and taken out, and examined under a microscope. This examination of tissue is done to evaluate the specific cause of the kidney-related issue. Kidney biopsy…
Your diet is directly connected to your feelings and therefore it affects the efficiency of your treatment. Hemodialysis is the procedure of removal of waste from the body of some who is not able to perform this task on their…
How much time does it take to recover to normal life after donating a kidney? If you are worrying about the side effects of kidney donation and wondering how your life will be affected after it, you should first start…
क्रोनिक किडनी रोग (CKD) बहुआयामी आहार संबंधी प्रभावों के साथ एक जटिल नैदानिक इकाई का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इस व्यापक विश्लेषण में, हम क्रोनिक किडनी रोग (CKD) पोषण के जटिल परिदृश्य के माध्यम से एक वैज्ञानिक यात्रा शुरू करते हैं।…
ક્રોનિક કિડની ડિસીઝ (CKD) બહુપક્ષીય આહારની અસરો સાથે જટિલ ક્લિનિકલ એન્ટિટીનું પ્રતિનિધિત્વ કરે છે. આ વ્યાપક વિશ્લેષણમાં, અમે ક્રોનિક કિડની ડિસીઝ (CKD) પોષણના જટિલ લેન્ડસ્કેપ દ્વારા વૈજ્ઞાનિક પ્રવાસની શરૂઆત કરીએ છીએ. જ્યારે અમે ઝીણવટભરી વિગતોનો અભ્યાસ કરીએ છીએ, ત્યારે અમારું…
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) represents a complex clinical entity with multifaceted dietary implications. In this comprehensive analysis, we embark on a scientific journey through the intricate landscape of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) nutrition. While we delve into the meticulous details,…
When we talk about kidney failure, the kidneys usually don’t stop functioning in a single instant of time. Rather, in chronic kidney disease, the kidneys gradually lose their functionality over a long period of time. In this long period of…
The medical discipline of nephrology deals with the management, diagnosis, and treatment of kidney-related diseases. A doctor who has a specialization in this field and is majorly involved in the extensive care of patients suffering from kidney-related disease is known…
The point of time when you get aware about your kidney disease decides the efficacy and type of treatment you will be put through. More than 90% of patients suffering from kidney disease get to know about their condition at…
કિડની રોગથી પીડિત 90% થી વધુ દર્દીઓ તેમની કિડનીની તકલીફના છેલ્લા તબક્કામાં તેમની સ્થિતિ વિશે જાણતા હોય છે. આ શરીરની અન્ય પ્રવૃત્તિઓ સાથે કિડનીના જોડાણ વિશે લોકોની અજાણતાને કારણે છે. ઘણીવાર લોકો તેમના શરીરના કોઈપણ પ્રાથમિક લક્ષણોને કિડની સાથે સાંકળતા…
The authenticity of information containing data is innate to the human mind. Now, what is the relevance of that line to the subject of urinary tract infection? Well, let us find out through some data. 150 million is the approximate…
Long gone are the days when people used to think that kidney stones are bits of rocks floating in the hollow structures called kidneys. This is not an insult for people in old times but the height of the inconvenience…
The reason for the association between Hepatitis C and Kidney diseases is deduced from some statistical surveys. It is very clear from studies that patients suffering from conditions such as chronic kidney disease or Kidney failure are more susceptible to…
મિનિમલ ચેન્જ ડિસીઝ એ કિડની રોગનો એક પ્રકાર છે જે તમારી કિડનીમાં ગ્લોમેરુલી નામના નાના ફિલ્ટરને અસર કરે છે. આ ફિલ્ટર તમારા લોહીમાંથી કચરો અને વધારાનું પ્રવાહી દૂર કરવામાં મદદ કરે છે. મિનિમલ ચેન્જ ડિસીઝનું ચોક્કસ કારણ સંપૂર્ણપણે સમજી શકાયું…
मिनिमल चेंज डिजीज एक प्रकार का किडनी रोग है जो आपकी किडनी में ग्लोमेरुली नामक छोटे फिल्टर को प्रभावित करता है। ये फिल्टर आपके रक्त से अपशिष्ट और अतिरिक्त तरल पदार्थ को हटाने में मदद करते हैं। मिनिमल चेंज डिजीज…
Minimal Change Disease is a type of kidney disease that affects the tiny filters in your kidneys called glomeruli. These filters help remove waste and excess fluid from your blood. The exact cause of Minimal Change Disease is not fully…
फोकल और सेगमेंटल ग्लोमेरुलोस्केलेरोसिस (एफएसजीएस) एक प्रकार की किडनी की बीमारी है जहां आपकी किडनी में ग्लोमेरुली नामक फिल्टर क्षतिग्रस्त और जख्मी हो जाते हैं। इससे आपके रक्त से अपशिष्ट और अतिरिक्त तरल पदार्थों को फ़िल्टर करने में समस्या हो…
ફોકલ અને સેગમેન્ટલ ગ્લોમેર્યુલોસ્ક્લેરોસિસ (FSGS) એ કિડની રોગનો એક પ્રકાર છે જ્યાં તમારી કિડનીમાંના ફિલ્ટર્સ, જેને ગ્લોમેરુલી કહેવાય છે, ક્ષતિગ્રસ્ત અને ડાઘ થઈ જાય છે. આ તમારા લોહીમાંથી કચરો અને વધારાનું પ્રવાહી ફિલ્ટર કરવામાં સમસ્યા ઊભી કરી શકે છે, જે…
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a type of kidney disease where the filters in your kidneys, called glomeruli, become damaged and scarred. This can cause problems with filtering waste and excess fluids from your blood, leading to symptoms like…
झिल्लीदार नेफ्रोपैथी गुर्दे की बीमारी का एक प्रकार है जो आपके गुर्दे में फिल्टर को प्रभावित करती है, जिसे ग्लोमेरुली कहा जाता है। यह रोग इन फिल्टरों में सूजन और क्षति का कारण बनता है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप प्रोटीन और अन्य…
મેમ્બ્રેનસ નેફ્રોપથી એ કિડની રોગનો એક પ્રકાર છે જે તમારી કિડનીમાં રહેલા ફિલ્ટરને અસર કરે છે, જેને ગ્લોમેરુલી કહેવાય છે. આ રોગ આ ફિલ્ટર્સમાં બળતરા અને નુકસાનનું કારણ બને છે, જેના પરિણામે પ્રોટીન અને અન્ય પદાર્થો તમારા લોહીમાંથી અને તમારા…
Membranous nephropathy is a type of kidney disease that affects the filters in your kidneys, called glomeruli. This disease causes inflammation and damage to these filters, which can result in protein and other substances leaking out of your blood and…
IgA નેફ્રોપથી એ કિડની રોગનો એક પ્રકાર છે જે ત્યારે થાય છે જ્યારે IgA નામની એન્ટિબોડી કિડનીમાં જમા થાય છે, જેના કારણે બળતરા અને નુકસાન થાય છે. ચોક્કસ કારણ જાણી શકાયું નથી, પરંતુ એવું માનવામાં આવે છે કે તે રોગપ્રતિકારક…
IgA नेफ्रोपैथी एक प्रकार का किडनी रोग है जो तब होता है जब IgA नामक एंटीबॉडी किडनी में बनता है, जिससे सूजन और क्षति होती है। सटीक कारण ज्ञात नहीं है, लेकिन ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली…
IgA nephropathy is a type of kidney disease that occurs when an antibody called IgA builds up in the kidneys, causing inflammation and damage. The exact cause is not known, but it is believed to be related to problems with…
જોવા માં આવેલા ક્રોનિક ગુર્દાની રોગીઓ (CKD) માટે જેને ડાયલિસિસ ઉપચારની જરૂર હોય, તેમને ઉપચાર માટે દીર્ઘકાલિક ઍક્સેસ બિંદુની જરૂર હોય છે. એક માંદવી અને પસંદગીની પ્રણાલી માંથી એક આર્ટેરિયો-વેનસ ફિસ્ટુલા (AVF) નિર્માણ સામેલ છે. આ પ્રક્રિયામાં હાથમાં એક ધમની…
For people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) who require dialysis treatment, a long-term access point for treatment is needed. One of the most common and preferred methods is the creation of an arterio-venous fistula (AVF). This procedure involves connecting an…
अवरुद्ध गुर्दे के रोगियों (CKD) के लिए जिन्हें डायलिसिस उपचार की आवश्यकता होती है, उपचार के लिए एक दीर्घकालिक पहुंच स्थान की आवश्यकता होती है। आर्टेरियो-वेनस फिस्टुला (AVF) के निर्माण को एक सबसे सामान्य और पसंदीदा तरीका माना जाता है।…
जो लोग स्थायी गुर्दे की बीमारी से पीड़ित हैं और डायलिसिस उपचार की आवश्यकता होती है, उनके लिए पर्माकैथ का स्थापन एक आवश्यक और संभावित जीवनरक्षक प्रक्रिया हो सकती है। पर्माकैथ एक प्रकार का कैथेटर होता है जो शरीर में…
For those who suffer from chronic kidney disease and require dialysis treatment, the insertion of a permacath can be a necessary and potentially life-saving procedure. A permacath is a type of catheter that is inserted into the body, usually near…
જેઓ દીર્ઘકાલીન કિડની રોગથી પીડાય છે અને તેમને ડાયાલિસિસ સારવારની જરૂર હોય છે, તેમના માટે પરમાકાથ દાખલ કરવી જરૂરી અને સંભવિત જીવન બચાવ પ્રક્રિયા હોઈ શકે છે. પરમાકાથ એ એક પ્રકારનું મૂત્રનલિકા છે જે શરીરમાં દાખલ કરવામાં આવે છે, સામાન્ય…
જો તમે તમારા પેશાબમાં લોહી, પ્રોટીન્યુરિયા અથવા અસ્પષ્ટ કિડની ડિસફંક્શન જેવા લક્ષણોનો અનુભવ કરી રહ્યાં હોવ, તો તમારા ડૉક્ટર કિડની બાયોપ્સીની ભલામણ કરી શકે છે. કિડની બાયોપ્સી એ એક પ્રક્રિયા છે જેમાં માઇક્રોસ્કોપ હેઠળ તપાસ કરવા માટે કિડનીના પેશીઓના નાના…
यदि आप अपने मूत्र में रक्त, प्रोटीनमेह, या अस्पष्ट गुर्दे की शिथिलता जैसे लक्षणों का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो आपका डॉक्टर गुर्दे की बायोप्सी की सिफारिश कर सकता है। किडनी बायोप्सी एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसमें माइक्रोस्कोप के तहत…
If you have been experiencing symptoms such as blood in your urine, proteinuria, or unexplained kidney dysfunction, your doctor may recommend a kidney biopsy. A kidney biopsy is a procedure that involves removing a small sample of kidney tissue to…
किडनी की बीमारियों के लक्षण एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति में भिन्न हो सकते हैं। यह निर्भर करता है किडनी के अंतर्निहित रोग और उसकी गंभीरता पर इसलिए रोग का प्रारंभिक दोर में पता लगाना मुश्किल होता है। किडनी की…
हमारी किडनी शरीर में संतुलन बने रखने के कई कार्यों का निष्पादन करती हैं। वे अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को फिल्टर करके पेशाब से बहार निकालते हैं एवं निष्कासन करते हैं वे शरीर में पानी की मात्रा, सोडियम, पोटेशियम और कैल्शियम की…
Dr. Ravi Bhadania DM Nephrology, SGPGI Lucknow Kidney Specialists, and Kidney Transplant Doctors In recent years, the increasing number of kidney patients is becoming a cause for concern. It is emerging as a serious problem all over the world. Now…
As alcohol damages the kidneys, it is to be considered a harmful substance. The function of the kidney is to free the blood from harmful substances like these by filtering it. The question of alcohol’s effect on kidneys lies in…
As ‘breaking’ and ‘stones’ are the meanings of the two Latin syllables of the word ‘Lithotripsy’, one can easily deduce from the knowledge of it being a medical procedure that lithotripsy is a technique for breaking down of stones in…
A kidney transplant is surely a life-saving procedure. It is a procedure of replacing a dysfunctional kidney with a working donated kidney. As dialysis can only be a bridge between kidney failure and transplantation, it can never substitute a real…
The importance of the kidney as an organ is incredibly inevitable. This organ is so incredible that its continuous functionality of getting waste out and maintaining balance in the body is not even felt while one goes about the day….
It is not a single-step mechanism to be able to urinate. There are many physiological processes that control the formation of urine and also control the frequency of your urination. These processes are obviously interrelated with each other. Any alteration…
With the growing rate of biohazard lately, the necessity of awareness regarding diseases has been increasing inevitably. One of the methods of this awareness is to understand the outspread of biohazards in the past world. We can do that by…
During hemodialysis, the body remains at high risk of getting infected by the hepatitis C virus. HCV infection during the condition of the patient in which he must remain under regular dialysis causes the chances of survival of the patient…
Kidney transplants are one of the most common transplant surgeries done globally. In India alone, around 10,000 kidney transplants are done each year. The success rate for this surgery is around 90%. What is a kidney transplant? A surgery where…
Something only seems to become a worrisome condition when it is categorized as an unusual act. Bedwetting is very common but till a specific age and in a specific amount. When the act of urination becomes an involuntary act in…
Kidney disease can lead for a patient to end up on dialysis which can be difficult and is not a permanent solution. Fortunately, there is the option of a kidney transplant to expand the life span of the patient but…
What is Meant by Acute Renal Failure? When your kidney loses its functionality rapidly, you are said to suffer from acute renal failure. It is usually known as acute kidney failure. Unlike chronic kidney failure, in this type of renal…
Every year, around 1.8 lakh persons suffer from kidney failure in India, but the number of kidney transplants done is only around 6000. Poverty is surely a cause of this but not the main one. The basic reason for this…
Kidney diseases are more common than the thought of It is a well-established fallacy of the fact that kidney-related diseases are very rare. To bust this myth we must say that one will be verily surprised by knowing the statistics…
It is a hard pill to swallow but the fact is that most people with kidney disease are unaware that they are presently going through it. The most painfully wrong thing that people do with kidney infection disease is that…
A huge proportion of the world, in today’s era, suffers from some kind of renal disease. Most of these kidney diseases turn out to be chronic kidney failures. In this form of kidney damage, the patient’s kidneys slowly become inefficient…
Any understanding of any disease has associated with itself five dimensions that make it concrete in the mind of the reader. These five things are causes, symptoms, complications, diagnosis, and treatment. In this blog, our focus will be listing out…
Renal disease is one of the most alarming and common diseases across the globe. There are several levels of severity of this disease and end stage renal disease happens to be the last stage of acute or chronic renal failure….
Kidneys are the primary filter system of your body. All the toxins and waste materials you need to clean? Kidneys have got your back. However, when your kidneys start giving up on you, your doctor might suggest you get on…
“Awareness is the first step in healing”, a well-articulated quote that tells us the power of knowing. To be in a position of thinking about getting dialysis is obviously unfortunate but to be aware of what you are getting into…